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Die Adresse der Ausstellung lautet: BAP// Istanbul
Lüleki Hendek Cad. 20
34440 Istanbul, Turkey
Beschreibung der Ausstellung: BERLINARTPROJECTS lädt herzlich zu Ulrich Riedels erster Einzelausstellung in Istanbul im Projekt Space BAP// Istanbul ein. Die Eröffnung unter dem Titel „(Up)rooted“ zeigt Holzarbeiten und Installationen. Die Eröffnung wird am kommenden Donnerstag, um 18 Uhr sein, die Ausstellung wird gezeigt bis zum 26.07.14.
Die filigranen Wandreliefs des Künstlers, zusammengesetzt aus dutzenden Holzteilen, erzeugen perspektivische Blickwinkel und Tiefen. Dennoch sind sie an sich symmetrisch und widersprechen jeglicher Raumillusion. Der schlüssige Titel dieser Werke lautet somit: „Zusammenfall der Gesetze“.
Weiterhin zeigt er sein Werk „Me-We“. Dabei geht es um das Spannungsfeld zwischen Individuum und Gemeinschaft, wie er in einem gerade erschienen Interview im „Trendsetter Istanbul“ erläuterte:
The individual personality is formed by diverging from the rest, “the othersâ€. “The othersâ€, however, are all kinds of different individuals. Two sides of the same medal, so to say. To be more precise a human individual constantly switches between personal identity and different social roles. The awareness of this is translated into a variety of works of art.
Er bezieht er sich auf Individualität sowie die unterschiedlichen sozialen Rollen eines Individuums. Seine Arbeiten sind reflektiert, überraschen den Betrachter oftmals und regen zum Nachdenken an. BERLINARTPROJECTS is pleased to announce Ulrich Riedel's first solo exhibition in Istanbul, taking place at BAP// Istanbul. The exhibition is titled "(Up)rooted" and will show wooden art pieces and installations. His delicate wall reliefs create perspectives and depth, at the same time being symmetrical and contradicting the illusion of space. Therefore this series is called: "Zusammenfall der Gegensätze" (collision of contradictions).
His work "Me-We" deals with the conflict between individual and community. In his recently published interview in "Trendsetter Instanbul" he explains it as follows:
The individual personality is formed by diverging from the rest, “the othersâ€. “The othersâ€, however, are all kinds of different individuals. Two sides of the same medal, so to say. To be more precise a human individual constantly switches between personal identity and different social roles. The awareness of this is translated into a variety of works of art." (Ulrich Riedel, Trendsetter Istanbul, 05/2014)
His works can play tricks with one's mind and expectations and make one think. Dr. Heinz Stahlhut commented on his "attitude of refusal regarding the audience's desire for personal expression authentic testimony":
[This] places Riedel in the tradition of concrete and minimal art, which also eludes these demands. Besides the use of quasi-industrial means of production, Riedel's art also shares minimal and concrete art's reduction of personal handwriting, modular desing and seriality. The work also shares the same clear, rational and direct system of rules as a basis, which sets it apart from the intuitive design of expressive tendencies. The purpose of this regulatory system was and is an eminent pedagogical impetus." (Dr. Heinz Stahlhut)
Ulrich Riedel, born 1979 in Berlin (Germany), where he lives and works. He studied philosophy and art history at Humboldt University in Berlin (2001-2002) as well as fine arts (2002-2007) at Berlin University of Arts (UdK) in the master student class of Tony Cragg and Florian Slotowa. In 2006 he went to Sydney College of Fine Arts, Australia, as a Socrates Fellow. He received various stipends and spent several semesters abroad. Recent exhibitions were shown at the Riciclarti CANTIERE ARTE AMBIENTAL (RicCAA) in Padua, Italy, Kunstverein and Museum Kulturspeicher Würzburg (solo exhibition), Kunstverein Trier, Motorenhalle Dresden as well as Kunstverein Paderborn (solo exhibition), all of them in Germany. At art figura at Schloss Schwarzenberg he in 2013 received the art prize award “5. Kunstpreisâ€.
Opening times: Tue – Fri 11 am – 7 pm
BAP// Istanbul | Lüleki Hendek Cad.20 | 34440 Istanbul-Tophane | Turkey
Tel ++90 (0) 212 243 8578 | info@bapistanbul.com ǀ www.bapistanbul.com |
