Die Adresse der Ausstellung lautet: Cell63 artgallery
Allerstr 38
Tel.:03021973329 12049 Berlin
Beschreibung der Ausstellung: GPR (Ground-penetrating radar) is usually a geophysical
method that uses radar pulses to image
the subsurface, but on January the 30th , in Cell63
artgallery, GPR will be the acronym of three most
exciting Italian artists – Garavini, Pacini and Rinedda –
which are using strong piercing pictures to
image the subsurface of our times. Scathing, sharp and
perturbing but at the same time ironic,
romantic and wrapping, the exhibition will range from
paintings to sculptures to videos, presenting
a refined selection of the amazing production of these
artists, who already rocked the good old
Italian boot.
OPENING Friday 30th January at 19h30
with improvisation dance performance by Fenia Kotsopoulou
and body performance by The Sewing Machine.