There is strong shadow where there is much light. Wo viel Licht ist, ist auch viel Schatten J.W. Goethe Exhibiting Angela Loveday and Lys Lydia Selimalhigazi (02.03.2012 - 31.03.2012)
Die Adresse der Ausstellung lautet: Cell63 artgallery
Allerstr 38
Tel.:03021973329 12049 Berlin
Beschreibung der Ausstellung: On March 2nd, Cell63 artgallery invites you to join our
wonderland of mystical tales visualized by the infamous
storytellers Angela Loveday and Lys Lydia Selimalhigazi.
The echo of an untuned piano, in a big, empty house.
Ghosts coming in darkness to our bed.
This exhibition will showcase a series of artworks which
inevitably present their beholders with narratives that
frequently cause mixed feelings and which are often
perceived differently by each individual. In many cases
beauty, romance,melancholy, dismay and curiosity are
terms that come up at the same time when the works of
these visual storytellers are being discussed. Both this
young ladies, by photography or by illustration, showing
those kind of emotions that society can no longer feel, and
dreams that people just gave up.
Opening Friday 2nd March 2012 at 19h30 with
improvisation dance performance by COX.