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(18.07.2018 - 22.07.2018)

          Ilka Schaumberg
          Einsteinufer 43, interim @ feldfünf Kreuzberg
          10587 Berlin

Die Adresse der Ausstellung lautet:
Einsteinufer 43
 10587 Berlin

Beschreibung der Ausstellung:
 Wie vermittelt man die Realität von Depressionen und
Angststörungen? Wie sieht Prävention auf Ebene der
Gemeinschaft aus? Und wie lässt sich eine Sprache der
Gefühle denken, die den Körper einbezieht? 

Die SHITSHOW sucht diese Fragen zu beantworten. Als
Ausstellung, Awareness-Tool und „embodied care“. Und als
Präventionsformat an der Schnittstelle zwischen Design,
Kommunikation und Psychologie.

Eröffnung: Donnerstag, 05. Juli, 18.00 Uhr
Mit den Gründerinnen der SHITSHOW und Stipendiatinnen
des Creative Prototyping Stipendiums: Johanna Dreyer,
Nele Groeger und Luisa Weyrich
Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Michael Häfner,
Kommunikationspsychologe, Institut für Theorie und Praxis
der Kommunikation, UdK Berlin

05.06. - 10.06.2018, wochentags, 12-18 Uhr, Eintritt frei
designtransfer, UdK Berlin, Einsteinufer 43, 10587 Berlin
 For UdK’s Rundgang 2018 designtransfer shows the exhibition ONE YEAR DESIGN & SOCIAL CONTEXT which shows three projects that Product Design Professor Ineke Hans realised with students in her first year at UdK Berlin. It concerns a.o. two recent projects from Summer Semester: In POWER HOUSE students explored powerful alternatives for future living in a networked society where the internet of things is a reality, where growing digitisation in and around our houses request more and more products with plugs and power while – at the same time – we really have to slow down on our use of energy in the future. New products, projects, systems and strategies were developed that offer sensible and sustainable solutions for our houses, high-tech or low-tech. In CELEBRATING GLASS students discovered glass in all its aspects through study trips and workshops in Berlin, London and Meisenthal in France. By exploring glass blowing and lampworking to disforming glass in other ways they designed objects that celebrate the material: that evoke happiness, that jubilate, that commemorate special moments, honour peculiar uses, specific functions, or just revel the experiment. The glass projects that came about in a joint workshop with students of HBK-Saar in Meisenthal will be on show at Designblok Prag in Oktober 2018. PROBE shows the presentation that Ineke Hans initially prepared with students to show UdK’s produkt design department at the IMM-fair in Cologne. It was than accompanied by a catalogue from acknowledged Berlin Studio Lambl/Homburger. At Cologne it was however selected to be present at the renown SaloneSatellite in Milan. During the Rundgang PROBE pops up a last time in Berlin with both student and graduate projects that show how UdK’s BA and MA Product Design students today explore: looking into new materials and techniques for design and aiming to find new typologies and products that fit to the time we live in and our future. The Outside Showcase of designtransfer shows extracts from the EXPLORE & ACT pamphlet, that is a result from a two year Salon-project that Prof. Ineke Hans ran in London in 2015-2017 and that contains the roots that DESIGN & SOCIAL CONTEXT is based upon. Ineke Hans’s first UdK projects WIR STELLEN UNS VOR (Digital Production / Analogue Production) and results from the DESIGN FOR WHAT MATTERS (Braun competition 2018) that took place in the Winter Semester, will be presented during Rundgang in her Project Rooms 202 and 203 of Design & Social Context at Strasse des 17. Juni 118.


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