Die Adresse der Ausstellung lautet: designtransfer
Einsteinufer 43
Tel.:03031852858 10587 Berlin
Beschreibung der Ausstellung: Die Master Studierenden laden zur Präsentation ihrer
Abschlussarbeiten ein, die man berühren kann oder auch
*You can’t touch this. Can you? What are our experiences
about the incomprehensible alphabet of statements of
sensuality and their uncertainty, is there more to it than
wearing a clean holistic shirt made of elements discovered
by us after we stopped eating with hands to create a
wasteless space where we could fi nd a habitat a new
home full of DIY furniture to think of a olfactory medium
for cultures and their fermentation? We could sit together
intertwined through interaction and get (in)audibly beamed
into a cultural hybridity packaging which has to be
dissolved by way of biomythography, so in the end there is
more than anger and fear. But don’t forget it cleans dishes!