  Diskussionsforum / Whiteboard

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MOMENTUM Worldwide

(01.05.2014 - 04.05.2014)

          MOMENTUM Worldwide
          Rachel Rits-Volloch
          Kunstquartier Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2
          10997 Berlin

Die Adresse der Ausstellung lautet:
 .CHB Collegium Hungaricum
Dorotheestrasse 12

 10117 Berlin

Beschreibung der Ausstellung:
  PANDAMONIUM Preview // Interpixel On the Occasion of Berlin Gallery Weekend May 1 – 4 OPENING 1 May 19:00 | Live Performance 20:00 | InsideOut Screening 20:00 EXHIBITION: 2 – 3 May 10:00 – 19:00 4 May 10:00 – 23:00 INSIDEOUT SCREENING: 1 – 4 May 20:00 – 24:00 PANEL DISCUSSION – China Through the Looking Glass: Shanghai Meets Beijing 4 May 16:00 – 19:00, Followed by Live Performance 19:00, InsideOut Screening 20:00 At .CHB Collegium Hungaricum Berlin Dorotheestrasse 12, Berlin A Collaboration Between CHRONUS ART CENTER Shanghai, MOMENTUM, and .CHB Collegium Hungaricum Berlin Curated by Rachel Rits-Volloch and Fanni Magyar PANDAMONIUM PREVIEW // INTERPIXEL focuses on the work of Shanghai and Budapest artists who engage in experiments with new media, introducing into Chinese and Hungarian art new creative ideas and aesthetic approaches. This exhibition addresses the first three generations of media artists in China and in Hungary. Starting with pioneers, working since the 1980′s to break new ground with the technologies of media art, to the successes of the next generation, and moving on to their students, who are developing their own visual languages in response and in contrast to their pioneering teachers. The selection of Chinese media works shown here is a Preview of the largerPANDAMONIUM Group Show opening on May 9 at the Kunstquartier Bethanien, presented by CAC | Chronus Art Center Shanghai together with MOMENTUM Berlin. PANDAMONIUM PREVIEW: YANG FUDONG | LU YANG | QIU ANXIONG ZHOU XIAOHU | JIA – Untitled (2014) | XU ZHEN | XU WENKAI DOUBLE FLY ART CENTER | HU JIEMING ZHANG PEILI ) | ZHANG DING | FENG BINGYI INTERPIXEL – Media Art from Budapest: Antimedia, Gábor Áfrány, Marianne Csáky, Marcell Esterházy, Roland Farkas, Dávid Gutema, Gusztáv Hámos, Tibor Horváth, Tamás Kaszás, Szabolcs KissPál, Krisztián Kristóf, Tamás Komoróczky, Léna Kútvölgyi, Miklós Mécs, András Ravasz, STRASSZ, János Sugár, Eszter Szabó, Pál Szacsva Y, Dávid Szauder, Júlia Vécsei, Szabolcs Tóth-Zs., Tamás Zádor SYMPOSIUM China Through The Looking Glass: Shanghai Meets Beijing 4 May 2014 | 16:00 – 19:00 Speakers: DAVID ELLIOTT and LI ZHENHUA / curators of PANDAMONIUM: Media Art from Shanghai THOMAS ELLER and ANDREAS SCHMID / curators of Die 8 der Wege: Kunst in Beijing | The 8 of Paths: Art in Beijing CHRISTOPHER MOORE / publisher of Randian China MARIANNE CSÁKY, QIU ANXIONG, COLIN SHINNERY / artists ALEXANDER OCHS, WALING BOERS, CHEN YANG / gallerists Moderated by DREW HAMMOND, independent curator, writer, art historian

MOMENTUM Worldwide

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