Galerie Rothamel Erfurt |
Jörk Rothamel |
Kleine Arche 1 |
99084 Erfurt |
Deutschland |
0361-5623396 |
0361-5623498 |
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Die Adresse der Ausstellung lautet: The Solo Project
St. Jakobshalle
phone +49 - 177 - 599 84
45 19-21
Beschreibung der Ausstellung: OPENING HOURS
Wednesday June 18
Private view by invitation only,
10 am – 12 noon
General public
12 noon – 8 pm
Thursday June 19 - Saturday June 21
10 am – 7 pm
Sunday June 22
10 am – 5 pm
Hans-Christian Schink und Axel Anklam
Hans-Christian Schink (* 1961 in Germany) photographs
"special landscapes, at the intersection of human endeavor
and natural conditions. It is this human interest, which
constitutes the idea of 'landscape' by separating it from the
surrounding territory", writes Kai Uwe Schierz.
"Can you speak less and yet tell everything at the same
time?" asks Mark Siemons of the „Frankfurter Allgemeine
Zeitung“, while Boris Hohmeyer of Germany’s leading „Art“
magazine reasons Schink’s works to be "as severe and
beautiful as painted by Barnett Newman".
Schink gained renown with his "Traffic Projects". The
photographs of this fascinating series were taken between
1995 and 2003. They document the modernization of East
Germany, where large new infrastructures covered ancient
cultural landscapes. After a well-received presentation at
the Martin-Gropius-Bau in Berlin in 2004, the series was
presented by museums in Europe, the USA, Japan and Latin
The spectacular images of Hans-Christian Schink’s portfolio
"1h" are devoted to the core questions of photography –
the imaging of light and time. Schink took advantage of the
"true solarization" effect, described in 1857 by William
Henry: If the sun is photographed with long exposure, the
overexposure causes a reversal effect at the photographical
negative. On the prints the sun leaves a black dot, with
longer exposure times a black line. Schink experimented
two years with different materials and photo technique,
until he succeeded in capturing the black sun effect as well
as the landscape scenery. He chose an exposure time of one
hour and called his series "1h". It’s twenty-four motifs he
found at all latitudes, from Spitsbergen in the north to
Zanzibar at the equator to Tierra del Fuego in the deepest
South of the American continent.
In 2008, he was honoured for a photograph of the series
with the ING REAL Photography Award. Schink was granted
with numerous other awards and scholarships, including the
Villa Aurora Los Angeles (2002) and the Villa Kamogawa
Kyoto (2012). By 2014, he was awarded the scholarship of
the Villa Massimo in Rome.
At „The Solo Project“ we will show works from his „Traffic
Projects“ series and out of the portfolio "1h".
Axel Anklam’s sculptures fascinate with clarity and power.
Vibrant and calmly floating parts follow each other and
create shapes full of tension. Preferably, the artist uses
transparent or opaque materials: stainless steel mesh,
epoxy, latex. Shimmering surfaces cover metallic carcasses.
Even small changes of light and atmosphere create new
The majority of the artist's sculptures use harmonic
structures based on selected sound sequences. To transfer
them to the proportions of the supporting elements,
Anklam brings to action a monochord, an ancient one-string
instrument already applied by Pythagoras. Other series of
works are inspired by landscape formations.
Axel Anklam was born in 1971. He apprenticed as a
blacksmith, became master craftsman, worked as a restorer
at the Sanssouci Palace and trained at the Centro Europeo
di Venezia. In 1998 he enrolled at the HfKD Giebichenstein
art school. He began studying sculpture, and completed his
studies at the University of the Arts Berlin in 2004. In the
same year Anklam's first sculptures were installed in public
spaces - in Berlin and Bangkok. More sculptures followed in
Japan, France, Spain and in several German cities. In 2006
the Berlin University of the Arts awarded him a master
student’s fellowship.
In 2010 Anklam was honoured with the Ernst Rietschel Art
Prize and the Gerlinde Beck Award for Sculpture; in the
same year the State Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart
appointed him to teach as visiting professor. 2013 he
participated in the Venice Biennale and won two art in
architecture competitions for the German Federal Ministry
of Education and Research.

Galerie Rothamel Erfurt